Saturday, September 27, 2008

Great Quote From Reggie Kidd's Book

Reggie Kidd teaches my Intro to Pastoral and Theological Studies class. He wrote a book about worship and its connection to our heart and our least that's what I've gotten out of it so far. If you enjoy music and theology, then go to his website and pick up a copy...and send him an email telling him that I told you never know what will help that grade go from a B to an A...

The quote is from Bono (of U2). In addition to being the authority on all things hip and cool, he's a pretty deep thinker. Bono said, "Music is Worship; whether it's worship of women or their designer, the world or its destroyer,...whether the prayers are on fire with a dumb rage or dove-like desire...the smoke goes God or something you replace God with...usually yourself." -Bono, Introduction to Selections, x, xi.

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